Breaking News #1- Review

Breaking News #1- Review

Western Michigan student Samantha Yates almost did not make it to her Friday stir-fry this week. She was running late to lunch because her morning class got out late, but she thankfully made it to the cafeteria on time.

“The sweet and sour chicken was great today,” said Yates. “One of the best I’ve ever had here.”

However, Yates struggled with her chores this week. The vacuum she rented from the front desk was old and unfortunately left lint and hair on her rug.

“It was really gross,” Yates said. “I’m thinking about investing in my own vacuum.”

Another struggle was when it started to rain on her walk home from the Bernhard Center. Yates rushed back to her dorm because she likes to turn in crisp papers.

Yates decided on chicken nachos from The Big Burrito for dinner and watched Riverdale until her food arrived.

When her food arrived Yates ran out the door so fast that nearby residents looked at her as if something was wrong.

“I was just so excited,” Yates said. “I haven’t had nachos in forever!”

Yates finished the night with more Riverdale and plans on the same routine next Friday.


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